Saturday, March 28, 2015

Stitch From Stash - March

Month: March
Spent: $18.80
Earned:  $30
March Ending Budget: $93.79

Finished Page 10 of Faery tales!!!

Finished Page 1 of Victorian Winter - Mystic Stitch.  You can see the first part of the house!!!!

My car project gained a few stitches. 

New Stash:  My brother gave me a $50.00 check for my birthday and told me to spend it how I see fit!   I saw fit to purchase this chart from Golden Kite.  It was usually $60 but on sale for $45.  I spent the last $15 on 1 1/2 yard of 16 count aida fabric for it.  Found a great deal from a buyer on my Stash Unload Facebook group.  Since Gifts do NOT count towards my budget ...I didn't go over!!!

 I also bought this kit off Ebay.  I couldn't resist.  It was only $9.00 and I also bought a few skins of threads.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Defending Jacob by William Landay

Blurb from Amazon:
When a young boy is found brutally murdered in the woods in a peaceful New England town, his body hastily covered with leaves, the community is shaken to its core. No one more so than Andy Barber a well-respected assistant district attorney whose fourteen-year-old son, Jacob, went to school with the boy. Sure, Jacob is a typical moody teenager, hiding in his room with his headphones and his laptop, but Andy loves him more than anything in this world--and would do anything to protect him.

While Andy's wife, Laurie, struggles with the possibility that there is a killer on the loose and that their son could be next, Andy's determined to find the culprit and bring him to justice. He immerses himself in maelstrom of angry parents demanding answers, police hell bent on making an arrest, and the complicated lives of teenagers, with their own secrets, and reasons for keeping them.

When, in a stunning turn of events, Jacob is arrested for the crime, both Andy and Laurie are stalwart in their defenses of their son: there's no way their child could've committed this terrible act. As more shocking facts are reveled and lies uncovered, Andy is pushed to the edge and his twenty-year marriage tested. Beautiful Laura, his college sweetheart and love of his life begins to fade right in front of his eyes, crumbling under pressure of the trial, the public accusations, and the weight of her own doubts --in her son and her husband.  When the truths abut Andy's past comes to surface, he must chose between the life he thought he left behind and the father he wants to be.

My review:

I found this book by accident really.  I was playing on Goodreads and it said if you like the book "We Need to Talk about Kevin" which I did, then they recommend this one.   To be honest, the book started slow, and it took me a few chapters to get into the story.  Oh lord, when the story picked up I couldn't put the book down.  This was on a Sunday afternoon and it was so good I postponed watching The Great British Bake-Off and Downton Abbey just so I could figure out the ending.  I never figured out the ending.  The book has so many twists and turns that my mouth was hanging open the last few chapters!  I was literally speechless!!    The ending shocked the Hades out of me!
I highly recommend this book!!!!!!  I cannot stress this enough!!

Finished a page!!!!! Happy Dance!!!!

I can't believe it has been almost a month since I updated my blog!!!  Time flies!  I am on Spring break this week and I have been busy on homestead!   I am a pack rat so I decided this spring break I would tackle some of the hidden mess.  I cleaned out all the bathroom drawers and cabinets yesterday.  I am amazed about how many free samples I had cluttering things up.  Today, I emptied all my cabinets in my kitchen and reorganized them.  My get rid of pile is getting bigger and bigger!!!

I have been doing some stitching.  I finished page 10 of Faery Tales!  If you look at the second picture, that is what I finished up tonight.  You can see the start of Hansel and Gretel's house.  

Close up of page 10

I thought I could be a one project girl but I can't.  I am bored with Faery Tales and actually find things to do rather than stitch on it.  So I have decided to go back to a rotation.  I am going to start with my smallest project for one week, then back to Faery Tales,  then my next smallest project, back to Faery Tales.  So every other week I will work on a different project.  This is my smallest project, Victorian Winter by Mystic Stitch.  I am actually on page 1 of 9.  It reminds me of a house out of a Jane Austen novel.  

The last time I worked on this was in 2013 so it has been a while.   Here is my starting progress.  I hope to finish this page before the end of the month.   

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Stitch From Stash February - Feeling blue

Month: February
Spent: $3.30
Earned: $15
Pages finished: 1
Number of stitches: 14,766
February Ending Budget:  $57.57

This month, I have been feeling very blue while working on Faery Tales. This section had me crossing my eyes as I stitched.   I did finish a page this month so slow progress..  Proud of my progress

Close up of the Blue page.....
This is what it looked like In January at my last report....

I dug out my Hot Air Balloon Haed design and started working on it in my car.  

This is the last picture taken in March 2013

Here is my progress now....I have this as my car project.  The solid color is 939 so it is easy to stitch when I am sitting at a stoplight or waiting on take out to be delivered to my car.  The confetti stitching was done when I was n a road trip with my mom.  She drove, I stitched...