Yep, I got my flu shot earlier in the year but I felt TERRIBLE on Monday! I could barely lift my head up off the pillow and I just knew that there was no way I could make it to work on Tuesday. I decided to drag myself out of bed so I could go to Wal-Mart and then to the High School so I could make out lesson plans. I drove to the High School first (20 minutes from home) and realized that my lanyard had broken on Friday so my Keys were on the kitchen counter instead of in my off to Walmart I went to buy some food for our empty cabinets. After I arrived, home, I headed back into town and made out lesson plans for the week just in case I am sick for the rest of the week. There is NOTHING worse than being sick and having to drag your behind into work just because you don't have sub plans. It is easier to be at work deathly ill than have to make sub plans. Every teacher will tell you it is more work to make those darn plans than just coming in.....
I have spent the day relaxing in my chair watching the 1970's version of Masterpiece Theater Upstairs/Downstairs on Netflix and napping. I have napped so much that I am not tired now...but I am feeling better. I am taking off one more day to just to recoup. No sense rushing back to work when I am still sick. I am planning to go back to work on Thursday....