Monday, July 30, 2007

Big Finish!!

I finished my model last night!!! It looks fantastic...sorry I can't post a picture yet...but maybe someday. I did start my HAED project...of the 40 pages I have the first row going down on page 1 complete...all 970 stitches!!! Not much I know..but it is more than I started with!! LOL!!!

I started my Mystic Stitch project today. I didn't get much accomplished so far only 100 stitches....this one has alot more color changes in it. I was really tired today so I didn't stitch much.

Mom came over this evening and we went for a walk then to Sonic for an evening pickme up!!! I have to start moving things into my new room tomorrow!! YUCK!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Go Yankee's

Mark and I went and watched the Yankee's play this week. We drove up to Kansas City for the Royals/Yankee game. We had a fabulous time and I got a wonderful picture of Derek Jeter. What a cutie!!!!

W hung out together....went to the movies and saw Harry Potter. It was a great time together.

He has been on vactation this week so most of his time has been spent on the golf course. Which is fine by me. His dad came in town for a big golf tournament the club is they are in that and currently not doing so well!! LOL!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Camp Week

What a week!!! I spent all week in classes at the Coop learning how to be a mentor to new teachers. It was very informative and I actually enjoyed being at this workshop.

On Saturday, I went to Camp Stitch 2007 at my LNS- The Busy Needle! OH MY!! We had so much fun. I met Debbie Draper and took a class from her. Mary from Ozark Samplers was there and she taught a class using different fibers, large count cloth and a new finishing technique. We got lots of goodies in our goodie bags and I did a lot of shopping. I had over $60.00 in GC to use so I used them up...I think I spent a total of $3.15 and recieved tons of charts!

Not much stitching to show off...this week I worked on Eeyore and my model, but there are no photos of those. I am showing off Dog Wisdom and Tea and Cookies. I did have a small finish but I can't show that yet because I have to mail it to the person first...then I can show it off!

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Last Seven - I was Tagged

I was tagged by Kimto list my "Last Seven" So here it goes...

1. Last dollar I spent: $25.00 at Allens grocery store yesterday...I bought us T-Bones for supper along with some other groceries.

2. Last time I ate fast food: On Saturday...I ate it twice- Chick-fil-a sandwich and then Geno's pizza for dinner.

3. Last thing I ate: crackers and cheese from a can

4. Last song I sang to: My 80's Cd- all of them--Mickey, Girls just wanna have fun...

5. Last time I bought clothes: Last month, I bought some new shorts and tee shirts for summer

6. Last time I felt envy: Today...I was listening to a friend tell me about her cruise and I want to go on one.

7. Last time I paid bills: This weekend...had to pay the car payment and student loan.

Not sure who I tag just yet...but I will be tagging someone soon!!!!!

Friday, July 13, 2007

What a day!!!

Today was definitely the 13th!!!! I had a huge scare today! Brigen and Tusk got out of the yard today and went on a little adventure! OH MY!! I was crying and driving around like a madwoman looing for them...After driving around for about 30 minutes, I came home just to look in the yard...there they were...sitting on the front porch waiting for me. They were tired, wet and thirsty. My husband was happy they did this because now we know they will come home if they get out. I couldn't calm all day....I finally stopped shaking this evening.

I did some stitching today..but I wound up having to ripout most of what I stitched. I guess my mind wasn't really on it!!! I am showing the update of my tiger ....I worked on it for 4 days this week.

That's it for now...I am off to watch Most Haunted on TLC.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Gorgeous Sunset

Yep...I actually had to go to work today. It was very tiring. Actually, I had a workshop this morning that I had to be at from 8:00 am until 11:00...My alarm didn't go off so Mark woke me up at I only had 20 minutes to get ready. Luckily it was a workshop so I didn't have to look my VERY best!!! LOL!!!

Isn't this a beautiful sunset? I took this last Thursday night when the sun was beautiful shade of purple!!!

I worked on Eeyore and my Tiger piece today...I really love my tiger piece!!!! I would love to finish it and hang in my classroom. Off to stitch on Tiger some more!!!

Lazy Sunday

It has been a very lazy day for me!!! I woke up really early and then fell back asleep and slept until noon! That is something I never do...and I have felt tired all day.

I spent the afternoon, reading, stitching, watching TV and chatting online. I was watching Lifetime today. there were some good movies on. I hate to say this but I really don't have anything to report. Mark and I watched Big Brother tonight and the people we thought were going up for eviction didn't....We wanted Jen and Joe up for eviction.

I did some stitching on my model today. I stitched on my Eeyore blanket while chatting with my friend Shari.

I am searching for Coke Reward Codes if anyone has any extra they aren't using!!! I am up to 210 points and I need about 6000 more to get the Wii game system for my husband.

Friday, July 6, 2007

4th of July -Yes it is late!

I just wanted to show some of the fireworks that we saw on the 4th of July. We spent the day at home watching TV and stitching. That afternoon we went to my Grandmothers in Oklahomal. We had a big family cookout and saw lots of fireworks. We introduced my nephew and niece to bottle rockets! They loved them. They blew up all the rockets we bought and were asking for more.
We had fun...but I thought the pictures turned out great!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

WIP update

Sunday...a day of reflection and showing off stitching work for the week!!! It has been a very lazy day...I went and did grocery shopping for the week. Mark and I have started a new diet. We are just watching our calories. I need to lose about 10 lbs and Mark a little more. We are having a disagreement on what his ideal weight should be! LOL!!

I have moved my photos over to snapfish and now I am trying to figure it out. It seems I have alot of photos that weren't added when Yahoo made the decision to quit their photo section!!

I kept to my rotation this week. I worked on my model everyday for 2 hours, well except for Friday... and on Eeyore almost every weekday..Just couldn't work on it this weekend. I worked on Cinderella and on Harvest Crops from an older magazine. This piece is for a coworker. She asked if I could stitch it and befinished by Christmas...The pattern, is so small that I actually had to go buy a magnifiying glass just to see all the symbols!!! I guess I am getting old!! LOL!!