OMG!!! I have never laughed so hard in a book!!!! I picked this book because I love Karin Hawkins historical novels. Ok..I have a confession: Yes, I love to read trashy, bodice ripping books. I am not ashamed to admit I like to read trashy romance novels. Why do I call them trash? Funny story..my grandmother would see me reading a romance book and ask why I liked to read that trash. So, it just stuck with me. I saw this book at the bookstore but I decided to wait to see if I could get it on paperback swap. I rushed right home and found it!!! It came in the mail last week. I started reading it yesterday and couldn't put it down until I finished it today.
The story starts out with a Roxie who caught her husband having an affair on her. She literally walked in on him and his lover (who was in a teddy and needing a bad wax job) in a very compromising position. She did what all women should do...divorced his behind. She took him for everything, bleached her hair, got her belly pierced and a tatoo. Ok, so maybe not all women should do the hair, piercing and tattooing...but she did take him for everything. She was about to leave for Paris when her momma got sick. She had to head back to the very small town she grew up in and help out. On the way she runs into her highschool love Nick, who by the way is the town sheriff.
That's all you get....you must know there are some crazy old ladies at the nursing home she has to watch. These ladies are halrious!!! They love Gil Grissom on CSI. They get into some of the strangest situation. One of which, they are trying to solve a murder and they get Roxie involved.
The story is very well written that you can actually picture all this crazy stuff in your head. I highly recommend this book.
I finished it...posted it on paperbackswap and it will be going to a new home tomorrow. I have another credit to get a new book...I think I am going to get the Elaine Viets Shop till you Drop mystery. It is the first in her Dead End Job Series. I am reading the 2nd one now..so I think I should read the first one just to fill in the blanks.