I set a goal to finish Winchestor house by the end of the year. I can honestly say I am not going to make it!! I did however do all of the roofs and the backstitching it entailed. UGH! My fingers cramped on the last roof. I have put it away in my rotation and now working on Cinderella by Nora Corbett.
The rest of this is just me whining...so feel free to stop here if you like!!!
I spent yesterday going through all my emails, group posts etc and realized taht I have gotten just way behind. I couldn't believe how far behind I had gotten. This year has been very hard on me since I lost my grandmother. I have tried and tried to keep a happy face and keep going but I just miss her so much. I never realized how much I would miss her. Sorry...I don't mean to such a downer but that is the way I am feeling right at this moment. I started my school year a week behind and I never caught up which I tried. I got behind in my emails and posts becahse by the time I got home from work..dinner cooked I was just tired. So I stitched and got behind in my groups. Enough about this sad subject.
I have been thinking about somethings I want to change one of them is I am going to start getting my nails done again. I know that may sound silly....but I used to love getting them done and I stopped for some reason. So, I am going to get my nails done this week. On the stitching note I usually keep a database on how much I stitch and how much I have to go...well..I am stopping that because it stressed me out. This is going to be a big habit to break since I have been keep track of my stitching for years. Hopefully, I won't feel that "HAVE" to get so much done in a night to get finished by a certain deadline. Crazy huh?? but I have actually managed to stress myself out by stitching when it was supposed to be relaxing. I am also going to try to finish one of my HAED's this year. I have 2 going right now but I want to finish one of them just to say that I actually stitched a HAED!!!!!