Mark and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on Friday. We went to dinner at a very fancy restaurant. On the way to dinner, Mark gave me a card. It said:
I have ordered an anniversary
present you are sure to love
after it is has been
delivered to the house in
2 to 4 weeks
He said this was all I needed to figure out my gift. I sat there in the car for the entire trip down to Fayetteville (45 minutes in Rainy Friday traffic) trying to figure it out. I first thought Disney and he ruled that out quickly. He said it was something I didn't have but mentioned would love to have and it wasn't Disney related. I was stumped. Finally, I pulled out a magazine and started reading...I saw an ad for something I wanted and took a guess. Still wrong only by number..I guessed an IPAD...nope.. he ordered me an IPAD 2!!! What a fabulous husband. If you look at the first letter in the first column going down...it spells out IPAD2. I got him a new wedding band and some wooden golf tees (5th year is wood). At dinner, my shoe broke. It happened to be my favorite pair of 3 inch strappy gold heels. The strap over the toes broke off so I had to hobble to the car with my shoe flopping...it was kinda funny.
As I picked up Ballerina to work on it this past week....Bert decided it was a good place to lay down and wasn't happy when I made him get up. In the middle picture, you will see the progress I have made on Ballerina. This week is Yoga....Bert loves to nap in strange places and in strange positions. This is him napping on Marks lap.
I haven't forgotten Gibbs and his antics. This week, he decided he wanted to sleep by Mark and he jumped on the bed. He flopped down right beside Mark, unfortuantely Bert was sleeping where he flopped. Mark heard a squeak and had to dig poor Bert out from under Gibbs. Bert was a little dazed and Gibbs had no clue what he had done. Bert proceeded to bite him on the nose to let him know he did not like getting squished. Both puppy and kitten are doing fine. They are actually becoming good friends.