I have been watching the infomercial for the Eggie for a while now. I LOVE hard boiled eggs but I hate to make them so I thought this would be great for me. However, I hate to pay shipping and handling so I waited until I could buy them in the stores (even though the TV commercial says they are only sold on TV). I went to Bed Bath and Beyond. I had a spend $15 get $5 off coupon. The eggie was $9.99 so I picked 4 Yankee Votive Candles and basically got those for free. I came home and washed them out like it said to and then sprayed Pam onto a paper towel and wiped them down with it as the instructions said.

I lined them up in two rows and then cracked the eggs in them. I have fresh country eggs from my dad's chickens so they were small eggs. I did find that in a couple of them the yolk were WAY to big and I kinda had to force it into the Eggie. I am not sure how they will do with large eggs....will let you know later. The instructions say I could add seasoning but I wasn't going to go crazy on my try.

I put them in warm water enough for them to float and brought them to a boil. They boiled for 15 minutes and then I set them on a cutting board to cool. They popped out of the container very easy and sit flat on the plate.
As you can see..they turned out well! I really enjoyed them. So I have to give the Eggie Two thumbs up!!! It was good. I can't wait to try them with just egg whites. I am not a yolk person.
I have to share a picture of Bert. He is napping with Brigen. Aren't they just so cute!!!!!