Sunday, August 28, 2011
What a Week!!!
First, I will start off with stitchy stuff....I worked on Ballerina this week. I have 38.2% of her completed. I was also able to finish 1 page of the 4 page design. She is looking great! I mailed my Disney ornament RR to Berly. Hopefully she will get it soon. I also bought a new stitching magazine that has the first part of a three part Sandy Littlejohn design. The design is titled Ladies Day at Ascot. The link goes to the Cross stitch Collection Facebook photo album. This is the cover but the picture isn't all that clear.
On Saturday, I stopped by my LNS and I bought the JCS Halloween Collector edition. I LOVE IT!!!!! Can't decide which one I want to stitch first and on the note of starting something new...I am hosting a 2012 UFO Challenge if anyone is interested....I want my UFO's finished!!!!!
It has been a week!! I have been to work at 7:00 am every morning and I don't usually leave until 5:30 or 6:00. I LOVE teaching math but I have forgotten what it is like to have needy parents. I have some parents who feel the need to email me numerous times a day over things I don't need to know about! In case your a wondering, I do not need to know about these things: How much you tore during your pregnancy, that your child is having issues with their crotch area, that your child was a bed wetter and anything else that does not deal with educational issues. There are things your childs teacher needs to know...we do need to know about: if your child can read, is being bullied, needs math help etc. These are things I need to know. I am NOT kidding these are things that were told to me this week.
I finally went through all my files and figured out that I get to hold 13 for every student on my caseload. The previous teacher, who has since moved out of the district, did not do their paperwork correctly so I am stuck cleaning up the mess. LUCKY ME!!!!
I received the BEST prize in the mail this week. It was my friend Janice who is a local lady in our stitching group. I was unable to go to the stitching meeting last weekend because I was exhausted and just didn't feel all that great. I have to say that she made my week!! I actually teared up when I saw what she sent and because I just needed this pick me up. What did she send me you ask?? Well, She sent me:
Isn't that bag just the cutest??? The flip flop container is filled with Key Lime Mints, Regular mints and a a beautiful star charm. Bert and Jag loved the bags too. Jag had to cover up the puppy and Bert just wanted to see what was inside!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
2012 UFO Challenge
I can't do that...I do have a number of projects that I want to start but I have over 15 UFO"s that need to be finished!!!
So I am going to host a "Lets finish 6 UFO's in the year 2012" Challenge. The rules are:
1. Dig out ALL your UFOS (yes Kim M. Kim R. and Becki ALL OF THEM)
2. Post on my blog how many you have
3. Pick 6 you want to finish - this would be one every 2 months
4. Enjoy your finished UFOS
There is a poll in the upper right hand corner for you to answer on your UFO"S. It is all stitch related items.
I can't wait to see how many decide to participate and how much stitching we get finished!!!!! This doesn't start until January 1, 2012 so you have plenty of time to dig and root around until you find them ALL!!!
I have listed all mine on my blog so everyone knows how many I have and what I need to finish.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Off to Rome!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011
Ballerina update and school has started
I have completed one week of school. That means only 35 weeks to go! I am enjoying my kids a lot and i get to teach math all day! The only thing I don't like is that I wore yoga pants and shorts most of the summer and it seems I put on some weight because I can't fit in my capris! I have been wearing skirts because they fit! Diet time!
MArk came in yesterday to let me know that the company trip this year is in Rome! He really wants us to go but it all depends on the dates. I have to say I am hoping it is when I can get off work...wouldn't that be so cool?
As you can see, I have worked on ballerina this week. I put in 5,480 stitches this week. You may think. "WOW! That is a lot of stitches!" but I will confess that most were half stitches. She is 30% completed. I did make the decision not to put Cinderella in the fair. I am ok with it...maybe I will do something next year.
Thanks in advance for the compliments, I just love them all!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Ballerina update
I cannot believe that the first day of school is tomorrow! Summer was just way too short this year! I was in back to school meetings all week. I think my room is ready but if not they will live. I did work on ballerina this week. I was able to put in 2,580 stitches and have completed 21.5% of the design. I have lots of backstitching to work on in this section once I get the regular stitching completed.
I am supposed to take my fair piece to the fairgrounds tomorrow but not sure if I am going to this year. I hate the way they judge and to be honest I am tired of seeing who they pick as the winners. So, Cinderella may or may not go to the fair depends on how I am feeling tomorrow.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Too Hot to Swim so I stitched on Ballerina
It has been HOT HOT HOT here. Wednesday was a record breaking day at 110 degrees!!! One good thing is that Mark is not setting the house temperature at 72 degrees like he usually does...he bumped the thermostat to 77 degrees...which I LOVE!!!! Usually, I am in sweats and long sleeve shirts in the house because it is too cold for me....but at 77, I am able to wear shorts and tee shirts in the house!!! I went to my water aerobics class this week and the temperature of the water was a warm 86 degrees....they had to add cool water to the pool so we could have class.
Bert and Gibbs spent the hot weather napping together on the dogs bed. At least this time Bert was willing to share the bed with Gibbs...usually Bert is in the middle of the bed and Gibbs is laying on the carpet barking at him because he wants on his bed.
Since it was so hot, I stitched and stitched. I decided that since I have to report to work on the 8th and the kids come back on the 15th...I would start the ballerina's head and body. This portion is full X's instead of the border which is 1/2 stitches. It is looking so life like....
I was also was feeling a little smurfy with the new movie coming out so I am making a smurf rag quilt. No idea what I am going to do with it but isn't this smurf just the smurfiest??? I need to trim the extra threads....I was finally able to get into my class room on Tuesday and get some things organized. I refused to go in on Friday last Friday of summer break so I relaxed. I did take myself to Sonic for a Happy Hour Cherry Dr. Pepper with extra ice!
I need HELP!!!!
I bought myself an external hard drive to store my pictures and my cross stitch charts on it. However, I cannot bring myself to delete my pictures from my computer even though I know they are stored on the external hard drive!!!!!! I need help!!!!!!!!