Friday, July 9, 2010

Floss, floss, and destructive puppy!

A while ago I put up a post that my friend Becki gave me a HUGE bag of DMC floss and I thought I was in heaven. Well, my heaven has a price, I have to orgranize it!!! So this week I have been going through each DMC number and counting how many skeins I have of each color. Let me tell you as of right now, I have at least a minimum of 5 skeins per color and in a few colors I have over 20 skeins!!! What am I going to do with all this floss!!! I have organized colors from White to 600. I plan to start the 700-900 tomorrow.
Gibbs got bored this week and decided he wanted to eat his toybox. Mark and I usually have a cardboard box that holds the toys. Gibbs decided that the cardboard box look appetizing so he you can see he tore it to shreds then chewed on the pieces until they disolved in his mouth. It is good to know that he has a lot of fiber in his diet now!


By Hoki Quilts said...

Wow, Vickie. That's one heck of a job but good on you for getting stuck in and doing it, you'll feel much better at the end. As for Gibbs, mmmm, maybe he wants mum to stop counting and start playing : ))

Meari said...

What a naughty puppy! I have a basket of floss that needs to be organized, too. Sounds like you'll be done with yours before I am.

Debra said...

Wow that is a lot of floss. Have fun. Gibbs is too funny.

Ann Summerville said...

Gotta love those dogs. We had a cocker spaniel who ate toilet paper!
Cozy In Texas

Susan said...

When I read the title of your post, I thought it was going to be about Gibbs getting into your floss! So glad it was just his box that he destroyed.

Anonymous said...

Susan, I was thinking the same thing! I've had mine 'help' me way to many times. So glad it was just his toybox that was destroyed. A cardboard box is a LOT cheaper.